QHP's Bookshelf

What is a Bookshelf?
A Bookshelf is a way to brand, market, and sell your books on Quill Hawk Publishing’s website.
How do I get my book(s) onto QHP's Bookshelf?
Your book must be distributed through IngramSpark and available on the Bookshop.org site in order to also be marketed on the QHP Bookshelf. We directly link your book to Bookshop for customers to order your book and for bookstores to fulfill the order.
How does the Bookshelf program work?
If you are approved for the program, your book(s) will be added to QHP's stores and can be purchased directly by customers via QHP’s Bookshop.org storefront. In addition, your book(s) can be featured on your Author page in the QHP website collection.
How much does it cost to have my book(s) featured on the Bookshelf?
The annual fee is $50 to have your books on the bookshelf. This includes your own author page featured in the QHP website collection.
QHP's Author Page
What is an Author Page?
An Author Page is a quick and inexpensve way for an indie-author to brand and market his/her books without dealing with the frustration and cost of setting up a website and promoting it so you can focus on writing your next bestseller.
What are the advantages of having an Author Page with QHP?
There are many advantages of having an Author Page on QHP’s website. First, you can quickly brand yourself and your book(s). Second, you have a place where you can direct your fans to for information about you and your books. Most importantly, you get to leverage the exposure of all the fans and paying customers of QHP and their authors.
Does my book(s) have to be published by QHP to have an Author Page?
Not at all! Your book does not have to be published by QHP to reap the benefits of having an author page on QHP's website. If you’d like your book on the QHP Bookshelf, however, your book must be distributed by IngramSpark and available on Bookshop.org for direct linking to our storefront on Bookshop.
How much does it cost to have an Author Page?
The annual fee is $50 to have your own author page featured in the QHP website collection. This also includes having your books on the bookshelf.
How do I sign up for an Author Page?
Go to the contact page to fill out a request. We will need high resolution files of your book covers and your headshot along with your bio and blurbs of your book. Please ensure eligibility by checking Bookshop.org to see if your book is listed there.
QHP's Guest Blog

What is a Guest Blog?
A guest blog is an opportunity for an author, partner, or individual to share their views, journey, voice, or experience to QHP's audience and the world via Google with original content written to appeal to QHP's demographic.
What are the advantages to writing a Guest Blog?
With a guest blog, a author can share insights on her journey as an author or tips for the writing community. A partner can showcase and discuss in depth about his services. The blog can provide a backlink to the guest blogger’s site to improve Google ranking and traffic. The blogger extends her social media presence via more exposure.
What is the best format to submit a Guest Blog?
A guest blog can be submitted via a word document or a Google doc with text and heading formatted as you would want on the blog. Any photos or multi-media submitted must either be original or licensed and high resolution. The desired word count is 500-750 words.
How do I become a Guest Blogger?
Go to the contact page to fill out a request.
QHP's Partner Page
What is a Partner Page?
The Partner Page is designed to highlight various QHP's parteners and the services they provide. There are two types of Partner Page. The general Partner Page have a list of all the partners and their services. The individual Partner Page, e.g. Media Vines, allows for more specific show case of the individual partner's services in more detail.
How do I become a QHP's Partner?
Go to the contact page to fill out a request.