Book Publishing Services
Let us help you get your book the professional treatment it deserves. Our team works hand in hand with you to ensure your creativity and voice shines through on every page. We’ll guide you every step of the way and together, publish a book you can be proud to promote.
Let Us Help You Get Published!
For more details visit each SERVICE flip card for additional information.
You've written a story and want to indie-publish your work under the Quill Hawk imprint. We'll help you publish your ebook and print editions while you keep all your rights and royalties! From ISBNs and bar codes to LCCNs and templates, you'll self-publish with confidence.
More DetailsEditing
Whether you need developmental editing to ensure your content is clearly articulated or line editing to polish the grammar and syntax of your writing, we've got you covered! We'll also take a look at your log line, tag line, book blurb and synopsis.
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Presenting a professional-looking book to readers is a reflection of your amazing work. From fonts to margins, gutters to chapter titles, setting your pages up for easy uploading to ebook and print requires attention to detail.
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Book Cover Design
Our graphic designer will create an irresistible cover designed with your vision and book genre in mind to hook your readers, because let's face it, your book has one chance to make a first impression.
More DetailsGhostwriting
Are you an aspiring author who doesn’t have the time to write or needs help crafting the content? Why let your good ideas remain just that when you can turn them into a book? Give your audience the gift of stories and empowerment by hiring a ghostwriter.
More DetailsProofreading
We all make mistakes, but we don't have to let them get the best of us. Proofreading ensures that your documents, online profiles and business correspondence are free of errors. It's a professional touch that puts your best foot forward no matter who is reading it.
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