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Quill Hawk Publishing

Recipes and Photos from Snow's Kitchen: A Novella and Cookbook

Recipes and Photos from Snow's Kitchen: A Novella and Cookbook

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In the second half of the book, Snow's Kitchen: A Novella and Cookbook, there are over 100 pages of family photos and recipes! Get the PDF download today and start cooking!

Some of the foods are traditional but prepared with modern methods, while some recipes were borrowed and turned into something unique. We welcome you to Snow’s kitchen and hope the foods inspire you, excite you, and introduce you to new flavors. For fans who love to cook or want to learn new recipes, we challenge you to try them out and post pictures of your oopsies and hurrays on social media with #SnowsKitchen. Enjoy and blessings to you all!

**Author's Introduction**

In 2017, I embarked on a life-changing journey of self-discovery. After my mama, Snow, passed from cancer, I quit my corporate job and never looked back.

To honor the brave and incredible woman who raised me, I wrote my debut, historical fiction novel, Snow in Vietnam, to share with the world our family’s story of survival after the fall of Saigon. The sequel, Snow in Seattle, was my women’s fiction novel of the Vietnamese diaspora and detailed our immigrant story of rebuilding and thriving in a new country while grappling with trauma and PTSD.

Snow’s Kitchen is the final book in the Snow trilogy and was written in one month during NaNoWriMo 2020. It is dedicated to all the drifters and gourmands out there. I wanted to honor my mother’s love for food by sharing with you some of her recipes. I also included some of my favorite recipes that I created or enhanced over the years, including my most requested cuisine - Vietnamese pork and shrimp egg rolls.

Snow was born in Tra Vinh, Vietnam in 1939. She was the youngest of seven children and after the Vietnam War ended, she left her country in search of freedom. Like hundreds of thousands of refugees, my mother feared persecution, faced starvation, and lost everything.

It was not until 1980 after my mother resettled in America that she took an interest in cooking. With one foot in the past and one in the present, she straddled the cultures of East and West and bounced between dystopia and utopia. Her flair for food represented the fusion of two worlds.

The first half of this book is a novella written from Dolly’s perspective. Follow along as she navigates her way through adolescence experiencing a spectrum of emotions from love and pain to determination and self-discovery.


Amy M. Le

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